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Why choose Million Hits as the SEO Specialist in Adelaide?

Why choose Million Hits as the SEO Specialist in Adelaide?

Million Hits the right place to look for an SEO Specialist in Adelaide. It is a progressive SEO Agency in Adelaide that has evolved and has enriched its workforce.

• A Million Hits you will find services that are at par with industry standards. The digital marketing industry is expanding, and we are making sure that every new development in the industry is incorporated into the services we provide. Improvisation is the key to continuous improvement and development.

• Our teams are power-packed, and we are always ready to take up challenges. As an SEO Specialist in Adelaide, we have to be on our toes to make sure that every project we work on, we finish with zeal and positivity. So, if you are looking for a team that will work on your project like it is their own, then Million Hits is the right place.

• A million Hits will give the sure result: no fake promises and no empty words. We promise and we render results. If we do not yield positive results then we do what is justified and needful according to the contract.

• We have client base that is happy and content with our services. They not only swear by our services, they also suggest us to their friends and families. Having a loyal base of customers has indeed boosted our morale and we work as diligently as ever. We are the ever evolving SEO Specialist in Adelaide. We provide a range of services under the common head of digital marketing. You do not have to look for one service here and another in some other company.

We provide everything and we have dynamic packages of services that you can easily pick and choose from. You can also customize a set of services that you want to avail from us.

• We have the best competitive prices in the market. There is no over-head cost with us. You pay for the services you actually get.

• We are customer-friendly SEO Specialist in Adelaide. With us you do not have to wait long for email and text replies. Our client relationship is based on promptness and punctuality. We never keep our clients waiting. Even if you are not on-board with us, we will make sure that we get back to you at the earliest.

Why SEO Specialist in Adelaide is required?

• Even brands like Amazon need to play along with the changing algorithm of Google and keep their marketing game strong. Just by making amazing products, you will not be able to get what you want from your business. Whether it is a social enterprise or a profit-making company, your business must be known to people. Without people knowing your business, they can’t reach out to you. SEO Specialist in Adelaide will make sure that your product is reaching out to the potential customer group.

• Traffic on your website plays a huge role in making you well known, digitally. There are two ways that a company can generate traffic towards its website. The first is through paid traffic, and the other is natural or organic.

• If you get into paid traffic, then it is going to cost you a lot and if you are a small size firm then incurring that kind of cost over marketing is not a very good idea. You can go for natural traffic pattern which can be done with the help of SEO Specialist in Adelaide.

• It is indeed difficult to get a company that you can wholly rely upon. Results take time and in the mean time you can have your doubtful thoughts disturbing you. But you need to wait patiently as positive results in SEO will take time. It is necessary to give six months. Yet, you also have to see that there is a gradual improvement in Google ranking and traffic. If that is not the case, then you better change your SEO Specialist in Adelaide or talk to the existing one about it.

Most of the SEO companies will only claim to do things for you. However, there are only a few companies of Digital Marketing in Adelaide that will get you what you are looking for.

Problems in SEO Specialist in Adelaide

There are certain problems that you may face in the SEO Agency in Adelaide. These could vary but here are some of these:

High cost

Are you looking for SEO services that are true, effective and also affordable? Well the last one may not be an easy possibility and you will see that you are landing yourself in a deal that is going to cost you a fortune. And when things are bad, you will see that you have paid a huge amount to a SEO Specialist in Adelaide with no positive result for your business, online.

Failed Brands

There are many companies that start off as an aspiring digital marketing brand but are not able to perform well. This could be because of more concentration over advertisement than training the workforce or upgrading the service level. Such companies will cut a deal with you but never play their part well and leave you all regretful. Make sure you are signing up with a company that is resourceful and has yielded positive results for past and present clients.


When it comes to SEO Specialist in Adelaide, the chances are not that high but you may get into a deal that is nothing but fake. They will only take your money and never get the work done because they do not have the expertise.

Delayed Results

There will be results but the result is so delayed that you are out of patience and you just do not know if this SEO is even a real thing. This is a common feeling for a lot of people. Technically SEO is something that takes time. Yes, you have got to be patient. But some companies, because of their inadequacy, may just take longer than what is required.


When it comes to SEO, it is important and compulsory that SEO Specialist in Adelaide is not just ranking you in the first page of Google search but also employing adequate strategies to make sure that you remain in that position. For this, you may have to invest a bit more on a continuous basis but it is going to be worth the spending.

So, these were some of the things that one may require to take note of. If you are aware of above mentioned points then you will be able to land a better company for your digital marketing visions and goals.

If there is any other clarification you need over this topic then feel free to drop a mail at info@millionhits.com.au.

We make sure that we get back to all the emails sent to us. You may also call us and talk to our experts.

Let us know what service you are specifically looking for. Million Hits is there to solve all the issues.

A complete guide to SEO Optimization in Adelaide

SEO Optimization in Adelaide is a tough job, and there are techniques and hard work involved not possible for a layperson. Yet, there are some techniques that you can use or at least know about to rank your blog better. Are you ready to go through it? Then here are five quick points:

No matter how many paid promotion you get yourself into. Organic optimization will always be an important way to boost your digital presence.


Now you must be thinking if this is something directly related to SEO. Then let us tell you that for sure it is. As a person who is looking to get the blogs known in your niche market, select for yourself a vibrant supper-reading friendly blog for best SEO Optimization in Adelaide. Now you must be thinking what makes up the perfect design? Here are certain things that may add up to perfect design:

• Keep the important content above. Research done on the scrolling pattern shows that people tend to spend more time on the top part of the blog than the bottom. In that case, all the important things you have got to say should be in the top part.

• Keep links in your blog-post below 100. Too many links on your blog may make Google think you are a spammer. Make sure you are limiting the links under 100.

• Creating hub pages is an effective tool. SEO Optimization in Adelaide will be better when you have hub pages. In a hub page, you deal with a topic and at the same time have all other important blogs listed at the bottom. This is quite helpful for the readers, and chances of better optimization is quite high. So, get the better design done.

• When we talk about design, let us mention on the side that speed is also important. Why leave any stone unturned? Go all the way when you are working on your blog-post.


When we talk about blog we also talk about certain broad topic that you will be talking about. It is a particular industry specification that you deal with. Based on the topics you will be covering in your blogs, you will be using the keywords. SEO Optimization in Adelaide heavily depends on the use of keywords. If you are using keywords that are used by your potential readers or customers, then they are more likely to land up in your blog. So before you write blogs, make sure that you are ready with all the relevant keywords.


Writing a blog means a lot of things. First, you will have to put in the correct punctuation and have a strong grammar. Next, you will have to make sure that you write the best title. The title plays a vital role. Understanding the type of title that is SEO friendly is important and will go a long way in SEO Optimization in Adelaide. There is certain kind of titles that get more click than the others. Titles that have a question are good to go for. Then there are titles that inform about a mistake or let you know a secret. The more inquisitive you make readers from your title, the higher is the chance of a click. And, a click is all you need to get started in the digital marketing game.

When you finalize your title, make sure that there is not much stuffing of keyword. Keyword has to be used adequately. It should be used just once in the title and spread evenly with a density of 1 or 2 per cent throughout the blog.


As an SEO marketer or as a business owner, your main aim will be to get more clicks on your website, and for this, you will be making use of many effective tools. Meta-description is one of that tools for perfect SEO Optimization in Adelaide.

Then there is the small text under the title that appears right after the search results comes up. From this small text, the reader will be able to get an idea of what the content of the blog is. Hence, make sure that meta-description and its related technical set is working well for you. For this, you may want to take the help of an expert.


We have already talked about the title, and we know how important titles are. Same is the case with headings. Having one big chunk of a blog without any heading is hard to read. Readers may not like to go ahead with it even after they have chosen to click on your blog. SEO Optimization in Adelaide comes with many aesthetic values. If the presentation and relevance of your content are bad then the ranking will also be bad. Even after you get the customer to click on your blog, they will not be willing to spend much time there. Remember, the time readers or potential customers spend on your blog is also important for a favorable Google response.

They are using keywords well and naturally in the heading and sub-headings important. Often we come across blogs where the keywords are just stuffed in for the sake of it. It isn’t possible to trick Google algorithm. Hence, do not over-stuff keywords. Use it naturally and make sure that the blogs are good in structure, relevance, content and is also technically perfect to use for SEO Optimization in Adelaide. Not just Adelaide, this applies to all places.

Internal Links

Want the readers to stay longer and get engaged in your writing then provide internal links. Internal links help in better engagement with the readers, and they show more in interests in reading what you have written. Of course, your blog has to be interesting to keep the readers glued to your website or blog space. When readers indicate interest in internal links, Google also will show interest in you. This is how SEO Optimization in Adelaide works and these steps are important to be kept in mind.


This is the key behind everything over the internet. If you think that you write something today and tomorrow it is going to be the talk of the town then that is not possible. You have to be consistent with it. Blogs take a good time to become well known, and it may never become well known when you do not employ the required technique. So, be consistent and do not lose hope. Some people have struggled with their blogs for long, even though the content was crisp and relevant. This problem can be solved well before the time when you hire a good SEO Firm in Adelaide. The experts know every point well. This will help in better ranking.

SEO Optimization in Adelaide is something that has become so important for everyone looking to establish a reputation online. Whether you are selling the product, services or just the information, you can have customers talking about you after proper SEO use. So, it is time you hire for yourself a worthy SEO expert, and no one can give you maximum result than Million Hits.

Here is all you must know about SEO Firm in Adelaide

SEO Firm in Adelaide will get you SEO Optimization services as well as other digitally related services. Every strategy that we use has a good and a bad side to it. Nothing is a complete win-win package. There is always a downside, whether the down is steep or not it does not matter. What matters is our awareness of it. When a risk is known, the mitigation process becomes easy. So, when you know everything about SEO, then making it work in your favor also becomes easy.

SEO Firm in Adelaide works to target clients. Through SEO, you can target your local customers. If you are a small firm owner and want to target the audiences that are in your city or the state then it is important that your tools, equipment and strategies are directed towards the local consumers. Through SEO, it becomes possible to target local clients. So, if you are the small or medium-sized firm owner then this is the right option for you. And it would be best if you went for it today.

Through SEO, you will be visible faster than the traditional means of advertising and marketing. Selling a product means making it available to the customers. It is important that your product is easily available. If it is not then your competitors will take away that opportunity. SEO Firm in Adelaide will make sure that when clients look up the internet, they find your company as one of the top options. Is it not great? Is it not what you as a customer will do? Think like a customer and then strong-arm your business.

Problems you may face in SEO

As mentioned above nothing comes without a drawback and it is on us how we deal with it. If you smartly deal with it then it is going to be well and fine. So, here are some of the problems that you have got to be aware of when you adapt SEO as a major tool:

• When you successfully employ SEO and it starts to yield results, you will see that your site is ranking higher than others. This means that the competitors in your industry will be targeting you. This, in a way, is a good thing. It is important to have some competition. So, gear yourself up to have more competitors when you rank higher in Google Search Engine.

• SEO Firm in Adelaide will get the SEO done for you. But you must know that SEO is not a onetime process and your experts will be working over it for a long time. It is a continuous process, and one must be aware of this. To keep holding a good position, you must be getting SEO done continuously. This may become difficult sometimes, and it can look tiresome and a never-ending process. However, if you look at the good side of SEO Optimization in Adelaide, then you will know that it is a good investment.

• Delayed results are one of the reasons why brands may be unwilling to take SEO Services. However, there is no short cut to a good result. If you are thinking about good results, then you must have patience and work thoughtfully towards achieving your goal. SEO is one of the reliable ways to achieving your goal, and for this, you can contact SEO Firm in Adelaide. The competition is intense in the digital world and each firm, just like you, is trying to compete and has the knowledge of how to go about it. The intensity of competition may increase the pressure and create some hard times for you. However, what is the joy in business when there is no competition and no push to become better and give the best to clients.

3 Benefits of SEO for your Website

Here are five benefits of SEO that SEO Firm in Adelaide will get you

Quality Traffic

Now, it is not just the traffic but quality traffic that is going to increase the chances of sale for you. If your traffic is good in number but most of the people visiting you are not your potential clients then it is of no use because they are not interested in what you are selling. If you sell clothes for kids, then what use it is for college students to visit your website? With SEO, it will be parents visiting your site and buying cute clothes for their little ones. I hope this makes sense and you understand the significance of SEO and SEO Firm in Adelaide here!

Public Relation and SEO

In a business SEO and PR are two different things. These two cannot be linked with each other but only on the surface. As a smart strategist you can very well use the two together. In SEO a major thing is earning links from reputable website. This means that you get to present yourself to reputable brands and blog sites in your industry. This is a way of making yourself known in the industry and letting your industry be aware of your potential.

Need of Time

Making the best use of SEO is the need of time and you will not be able to prosper as much, if you are not present online. It has made attaining popularity easy and forms the very backbone of digital marketing. Keeping up with the latest trend is important an  d if you are looking to prosper in this intensely competitive world then here is your chance. Contact SEO Firm in Adelaide today.

What will SEO Agency do for you?

This question is important to be answered. How will SEO Specialist work for you and bring benefit to you?

• The very first thing they will do for you is perform a thorough assessment of the site. Often we get the website ready and have no idea what is going on in that site. When you hire an SEO agency the experts will check and update on the current status of your website.

• After the SEO Firm in Adelaide has identified all the loopholes, a priority list will be prepared which will target these loopholes in order of importance and urgency.

• Reporting and analysis form an integral and ongoing process in SEO.

This was all I had to talk about. For more details contact us at 1300 225 192.

Five things SEO Agency in Adelaide will do for you?

Google Algorithm keeps on changing, and if you are not much into it, then things may become difficult for your business. Today, everything we first lookup, we look up on the internet. And you have to make sure you are well listed over the internet, primarily Google.

Here is where SEO Agency Adelaide will be your best friend and navigate you through this tumultuous river of digital marketing.

• The first thing that SEO agencies will do for you is to get you the right keyword. Do you have an idea of the keywords that your targeted consumers are using to look for categories of products you are selling? A reliable SEO expert will tell you the keywords that are being used in your niche market. At the same will help you identify the less competitive keywords. With a mix of strategies, you can get potential customers visiting your website and purchasing your product or the service.

• On-Page Optimization is another area where the SEO Agency in Adelaide will help you. In this process your agencies will tell you the ways in which the content of your website could be optimized to suit the Google ranking. The content of your website would be in accordance with the readers and in accordance with what is Google friendly.

• Next comes the technical optimization. It is not just what you see in the front matters, but the back-end must also be optimized to rank well. SEO Agency in Adelaide will help you in that.

• If we are aiming for high ranking, then we must know our game around the link. It has been proven a lot of times that content and link are the two most important factors required in perfect Google ranking and if a strategist knows the game around these two factors then it would not be hard to get what the business owners are aiming for.

Content, as mentioned above is the next thing that will be important in SEO ranking. So, make sure that the SEO Agency provides the best relevant content for your niche market. Most of the SEO Specialist in Adelaide will ask you to get your relevant content. However, Million Hits is devoted to an all-inclusive approach to it and provides content that is error-free and relevant to Google and your company. Contact this SEO Agency in Adelaide.

Why is SEO important for Online Business?

• SEO optimization is not just important; it has become compulsory for your business. Online has become a hub where a major part of marketing takes place. If you are not listed online, then you may consider yourself far behind the competition. Every service and product needs to be advertised well, over the World Wide Web.

• SEO is a set of technique which is quite beneficial in achieving online success. This is done by making your business presence and visible on the search engine. As a customer, when you look for a service, you go online, and this is where SEO Agency in Adelaide will come in use.

• If your business does not come in the first place then the chances are quite high that the potential customer will not go to the other page to look for you. And this will happen for a very simple reason that the customer does not know you personally. That entire customer knows is the product or the service that you sell. So, how are you going to grab this opportunity? This can be done by hiring SEO experts who will organically rank you in the first page. You will receive more traffic. At the same time, you will have a higher conversion rate. Won’t that boost up your sale as well? Hence, contact SEO Agency in Adelaide.

• Suppose you want to know a bit about SEO on your own before you hire an expert company, then why not take up a small tutorial class on your own. This way, you will know the basics. This is also going to help you develop a better understanding of what the SEO experts shall talk to you about.

If you are all geared up to experience online success then here are certain things that you must develop a profound understanding of:

SEO and its related techniques. You must develop a basic understanding of how these things work and how beneficial it could be for you.

You must also know that the online market is dynamic, and it keeps on changing from time to time. Your industry will also keep changing. These changes need to be adapted by you. If you sell products or provide services that are not up-to-date, then a good digital marketing plan will also not bring success for your business. SEO Agency in Adelaide will only work for you when you are serving the customer right, with your product, services and other amenities.

Customer Service is the key to building up a valuable relationship with your clients. You must maintain a thread of communication with the customer even after the product or the service has been bought. Getting back to these customers for feedback and improving over a complaint are a few things that you need to work well on.

Quality of the product and service is completely not debatable when we talk about success of a company. It is the quality of services and good that you need to first take care of. After this, SEO Agency in Adelaide will be able to do wonders for you. But not before that! So, have invested enough resources and ideas in making your product worth the purchase? I am sure you will do well. For the rest, SEO experts in Adelaide are there.


We all are looking for something different, even though we are buying the same product. If you are selling handbags, then there are many other brands on all levels doing the same. So, how are you going to make sure that you are different from them? This is where your creativity, market research, knowledge of customer psychology and other factors come to play. It is after this that the SEO Agency in Adelaide will help you out.

So, it is you who has to work on your business first and then the experts of SEO will show you what they got up their sleeves. Planning and strategizing is important not just for the production and workforce but also how you make your product available to the people looking for it. While social media is a reliable platform, it is not the only platform where you need to play your game well. As a business owner you must know all the areas where you need to concentrate and SEO is one of those. SEO Agency in Adelaide will get your business the push it has lacked for long.

Contact Million Hits and get the perfect quote in the industry.

Four things to check before the Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide

If you are looking to find out the Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide, then here are certain things that you must keep in mind:

A good company will offer you a competitive package which will be all-inclusive. It is going to make sure that you get all the required services. For this, of courses charges are incurred. The overall cost should be at par with the industry. If it is too less, then we suggest you take a good look at what they are offering. Too low of a cost may not be the wisest thing to go for. A company that is honest with what they offer and what they charge is the safest one to go for. Instead of getting yourself trapped in unrealistic offers, why not go for something worth the while. Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide is something that you have got to think on the same line.

When you spend money over something, it is important that you buy it from a brand that is going to supply the best product or the service. If we talk about SEO services, then the company providing you with such services needs to be of good repute. They must have some experience in this field and have had several clients on board, who speak well of them. For this, you can check out all the testimonials and feedback over the internet.

SEO Costs are important but this does not mean that you get carried away by a fancy and high price. A high quote may make you think that you will be getting a quality service. It is just like the coffee we have in a fancy restaurant and the to-go coffee by your favorite daily brewer. Go for quality with affordability. The high price may just let you down.

So the main idea is to be in-between and go by the philosophy of moderation for Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide. Considering these points, it would not be wrong to say that there are several companies are successfully catering to the customer and it is a positive sign that the industry is growing and becoming competitive in the healthiest way.
As a customer this may lead to some confusion.

What to look for in SEO Experts?

Here are a few things that you can cross- check in a company to make sure you land ups the best deal:


Experience is important though it is not mandatory. I personally support new companies coming up with cool ideas to impress consumers. But here is a small risk. The new company you sign up with may not render a good service because they are naïve. Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide for the ones who are experienced maybe a little bit high, but they at least they have served clients in the past. So, this is completely on you. If you are willing to take risks, then you may choose what you feel like. However, if you want to be sure, then go for companies with a good deal of experience in the industry.


Feedback is so important! In today’s digital world, it is so easy to get to know the feedback consumers have about a company. Thanks to Google Review! Check the feedback before you make the payment. There are so many companies who would sound convincing to you, but their reviews will speak otherwise. So feedback is a must go through for Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide.

Customer Service

It is so frustrating to receive no reply of your email from the company’s end. Does that create a negative impression? Yes, it does! It should be the highest priority of every company to make sure that they are communicating with the customer as soon as they get the notification.

Client Base

Client base speaks of how many loyal customers the company has been successful in creating. Creating a client base is important. Creating a loyal client base takes time and it also requires consistent effort. So, if Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide is something that you looking for then make sure you are looking for the client base too, on the side.

So, what else should we talk about SEO Optimization in Adelaide?

Million Hits has the required expertise to make you a brand from scratch. All you have got to do is sit back and see the experts working on your business to make it more visible and attractive. From getting your website developed to ranking your website on the first page of Google, all is done by experts at Million Hits.

Why choose Million Hits?

So, why you should choose Million Hits? Here are some convincing reasons for that:

• Million Hits has served numerable clients and maximum of them have worked long term. They have positive feedback to give. A client base that trusts a company is a good reason to go ahead.

• Million Hits does not make promises that it cannot fulfill. At Million Hits every claim is genuine and practically tested. All our claims are achievable and we take full responsibility of what we claim. Whether it is Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide or anything other detail, we are devoid of any discrepancy.

• We make sure that we work will full dedication on the tasks you assign us. So, be assured of positive results. For SEO and other digital marketing tools, we take a time frame of about 6 months. Usually it is within this time that you will see a considerable improvement.

• We do not just confuse you with reports, data and statistics. We make sure that you gain, for real. This is very important to us. We come across so many clients who say that they have only received reports from previous companies with no real gain at all. With Million Hits, this scenario will change.

So maximize your sale at Million Hits. Fix your meeting today and we can get the ball rolling for you. Find out Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide from us.

So, this was all about SEO and things that matter when you look for SEO optimization companies. In this era of increasing digital presence, it is important that you are where your potential clients are. If they are scrolling over the internet then make sure you are there. Marketing is such a dynamic concept and it changes with lifestyle patterns of people around you.

Over the recent past, marketing has primarily become digital marketing and traditional forms of marketing are receding. They are diminishing in importance. So, if you want to make sure that you are keeping up with the latest trend then digital marketing is your golden ball.

To know precisely about the Cost of SEO Service in Adelaide you can call Million Hits. If you are unwilling to call then you can also drop an email. You will quickly get a reply as Million Hits never keeps clients waiting.

Good Day!